Certified Organic Demand Increases in Hemp Ingredients To The Animal Markets To Support The Increasing Demands For Natural Animal Foods





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hempingredients_products2usda1The increased presence of trends, such as the humanization of pets, the human-animal bond, and pet owners’ dedication to their pets’ health, have all contributed to a new trend that is driving growth in the industry: the premium pet product shopper. Say hello to The Animal Wellness Market.  According to a survey, 70% of pet owners are willing to spend extra to ensure the wellness of their pet. And, 30% of pet owners agreed that they prefer to shop at pet retailers that offer the best products available, even if it is more expensive. FACT: Pet owners will spend more on their pets than themselves, and yes that means certified organic.
Hemp Ingredients for Animal Wellness: Because of the high oil content with its balance of fatty acids, GLA, high fiber and protein the animals actually utilize more of their feed, as it’s easier to digest; testimonials reveal that animals are healthier, happier, heftier and less stressed. Aside from hemp seed being high in protein and fatty acids it is also organically grown without the use of herbicides or pesticides. Therefore, hemp-fed animals are organic animals, free of those substances as well as antibiotics, steroids and hormones. This is a great reason to add hemp based ingredients to support Animal Wellness.

dogs-cute-dogsScientific Opinion on the safety of hemp for use as animal feed
Opinion of the Scientific Committee/Scientific Panel On request from: European Commission

Following a request from European Commission, the Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used in Animal Feed (FEEDAP) was asked to deliver a scientific opinion on the safe-ty of hemp (Cannabis genus) for use as animal feed.
Four essentially different types of feed materials may be derived from the hemp plant:

  1. hemp seed (26 to 37.5 % lipids, 25 % crude protein, and 28 % fibre),
  2. hemp seed meal/cake or pellet (about 11 % lipids, 33 % crude protein, and 43 % fibre),
  3. hemp seed oil (about 56 % linoleic, 22 % alpha-linolenic acid) and whole hemp plant (including hemp hurds, fresh or dried).
  4. Further products are hemp flour and hemp protein from seeds.
    Hemp oil and hemp pellet as meal could be used as feed materials for all animal species. The maximum incorporation rates in the complete feed could be 3 % in poultry for fattening, 5–7 % in laying poultry and 2–5 % in pigs for pellets, 5 % in ruminants for hemp seed meal and 5 % in fish for hemp pellets.

Potential Animal Applications with Hemp Oil, fiber meal, seed:
There is increasing scientific evidence that Omega 3 and Omega 6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids also play important roles in animals with conditions such as pruritic skin disease, atopic dermatitis, allergies, degenerative joint disease, neoplasia, thromboembolic disease and eosinophilic granuloma complex. The introduction of polyunsaturated fats into pet food has developed considerable interest.  The problem being that these fats are inherently unstable and the food becomes rancid quite quickly. This is especially true of flax. Some foods have used marine or fish products and here the problem lies in potential heavy metal toxicity. Hemp ingredients would be an excellent addition to animal food based on its high levels of antioxidants thereby providing a natural preservative and a balanced omega-6: omega-3 ratio.
Hemp Seed Oil  has great potential in the animal industry. Immediate applications include the addition of Hemp pellets or the ground hemp meal for fiber and its protein into animal food/concentrates and the oil as a supplement.
The Animal Wellness markets are driving growth in the industry; the premium animal product shoppers are willing to spend extra to ensure the wellness of their animals. North American Hemp & Grain Co. offers high quality hemp ingredients at excellent prices to support the animal market.

Contact us direct for more information on our Hemp Ingredients for animal food producers, custom blending services, and other plant based production processing.
   888-265-0811 or email direct to hempandgraincompany@gmail.com 

WANTED: Dealers & Distributors for new line certified organic hemp products for animal markets.

