Hemp Seed Nutrition and Medicine





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FACT: Hemp Seed Nutrition a complete mineral content indicates that hemp is especially high in the most needed minerals: Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium and Sulfur. It is also low in heavy metals like Strontium, Thorium, Arsenic, and Chromium. The vitamin results were disappointing until you see that hemp’s vitamins compares favorably with other grains. Vitamins are mostly provided by fresh vegetables. You would have to eat over a pound of hemp seeds to meet your RDA in many vitamins.
Hemp’s Benefits For Nutrition and Medicine:

• contains 6 immune-boosting essential fatty acids found in perfect ratio for human consumption.
• protein content consists of 65% of the most digestible form of protein, allowing the protein to be easily assimilated by the human body, making it a great source for vegans and vegetarians.
• contains 9 essential amino acids, 19 in total.
• contains carotene, vitamin C, E, B1, B2, B3 and B6.
• mineral content includes phosphorus, calcium, potassium, magnesium, silica, and iron.
• outer shell is a form of insoluble fibre, which, when broken down, becomes a cleansing agent for the digestive tract and is an effective intestinal lubricant.
• stimulates growth of hair and nails.
• improves health of skin.
• reduces inflammation.
• carries toxins to the surface of the skin, the intestinal tract, kidneys and lungs where they can be expelled.
• used in the treatment of glandular atrophy, gallstones, kidney degeneration, acne, and menstrual irregularity.
• reduces blood serum cholesterol levels.
• lowers blood pressure.
• helps to reduce fever.

Hemp seeds contain up to 24-28% protein. A handful of seed provides the minimum daily requirement for adults. Hemp lab testing confirms that hemp has a high quality protein content that contains all eight essential amino acids in the correct proportions that humans need. I have found in my own research that hemp has actually nine essential amino acids but there seems to be a debate in the scientific community how many essential amino acids there actually are. Some say eight, others say nine. The basic proteins in hemp are easy to digest. They are composed of 80% edestine, the most digestible of all protein types. When scientists developed the base vegetable protein model the called it “Edestine”. The used hemp to find it. Relatively unknown, hemp protein is the model Soybeans contain a higher total percentage of protein, but these are complex proteins that many people find difficult to digest. Hemp was once the basis of the edestine model of vegetable protein. The very basis of proteins and the vegetable default model.
All this is not to mention that these seeds taste great. Hemp seeds can be used as a protein and to enhance flavor in any recipe.

Partial Blog Information Reference: Ohio Hempery
Photo Credit: Hemp Wellness from dixiex dot com
