The global protein market is expected to reach $24.5 billion in 2015, with the greatest annual growth occurring in the plant-protein ingredient sector. From pea protein to hemp proteins, an ever increasing number of plant-based protein sources are being introduced into the marketplace that offer quality nutrition, taste and sustainability at the same time.
Given consumer desires to moderate animal-based protein consumption combined with environmental concerns, the use of plant-based proteins offers a viable alternative across multiple existing and new product categories alike. What’s more, protein is the powerhouse macronutrient that research suggests is the most filling when it comes to satisfying hunger, which is particularly important within the context of the global obesity epidemic. Taken together, formulating and marketing foods and beverages that leverage plant-based proteins presents an opportunity for global growth on trend with health, taste, sustainability and consumer demand.
High interest in protein content and high-protein lines across the food and drinks market is continuing to develop, despite the fact that most European and North American consumers already get enough protein in their diets.
According to Innova Market Insights, the protein trend is driven by increasing health concerns— primarily weight management—plus the move of sports and performance products into the mainstream and targeted at the more generally active, rather than just athletes and sportsmen. Also keeping protein in vogue is the rise is the Paleo diet, which focuses on lean protein, while avoiding processed foods and sugars.
“Proteins have diverse application potential, with opportunities for alternative vegetarian options, and new protein sources, such as microalgae, alongside existing and novel dairy-based and vegetable sources, such as soy, beans and grains,” Williams said.
Innova Market Insights data indicate that nearly 3% of global food and beverage launches in the 12 months ending March, 31, 2014, were marketed on a “high-protein” or “source-of-protein” positioning, rising to 6% in the United States.
Our products ranging from: hemp, flax, quinoa, sunflower, chia, pea proteins and several more are currently under way for commercialization.
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