Pro-Organic or Conventional Foods? Where are you at in your transition?

The decision to go organic is going to depend on you as an individual. Where are you at in your transition? Are you just starting to add in produce or have you been a long time user? If you are still working on how to get off of processed foods, white flour, sugar and dairy, focus on that. If you have a handle on eating healthfully and the difference between an organic salad and a non organic one is profound, it is time to make the switch. Wherever you are, be sure to chew well and savor every bite and you will find health returning to you or increasing in your life.

We need to understand what organic food is first, to understand its benefits. Food which is cultivated in natural ways, without the use of artificial fertilizers, various chemicals or pesticides is known as organic food. So now we can define what conventional food is. The answer: “All that which organic food is not“, well, mostly but not exactly as there are few similarities which can be explained. Both are cultivated by farming, both are considered edibles and both are agricultural products. The similarity ends here, as there are plenty of differences which should be considered when making food choices. Enlightening ourselves on the benefits of organic food is only the start to a healthy diet and lifestyle.

While shopping for fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, grains  in a supermarket, you are not likely to find any differences in appearance between an organically grown banana and a non-organically grown banana. Both provide vitamins and other nutrients and typically, the conventional apple is priced cheaper than the organic one. However, knowing the difference between the two is vital for us to take advantages of these wonderful organic foods. The crux lies in the fact that a conventional apple might be giving you vitamins and other nutrients just as the organic one does, but on the other hand it is also including various other chemicals which can be detrimental to your health. The deterioration of your health far outweighs the gains achieved by the nutrients in the cheaper non-organic food.

Advantages of Conventional Food

If the positives and negatives of conventional food are accounted for, than surely, they beat organic food on few grounds. Primary advantages are the cost and vast production capability. Conventional food farming is well-practiced and is easily done throughout most of the world. Their production levels are huge and cannot be compared with organic farming. These conventional farms supply to the classes and the masses. However, we cannot ignore the fact that today, the quick and ease of conventional farming has made vegetables and fruits readily affordable for the underprivileged as well.
Another major advantage which conventional food has over organic food is – The Price. Non-organic food is priced much lower in comparison to organic food. Reason being they are not as cultivation sensitive as organic farming and the use of artificial chemicals has allowed production in bulk resulting in lower costs and eventually lower prices in the marketplace.

Advantages of Organic Food

Even with higher prices and typically fewer choices, organic grown foods offer many health benefits over conventional food. Organic foods can be blindly trusted for containing the best nutritional value for that particular item, plus it is void of any harmful chemical and pesticides. Organic food is also environment friendly, as it helps in preventing soil decay and water contamination. By preserving our natural resources we give ourselves an opportunity to live in a healthy environment while improving our own health from within.

The benefits of organic food are no longer debated, as they are obvious and understood all over the world. The rate of growth of organic food consumption has been tremendous over the past few decade. It is only matter of time when there won’t be any separate stands for organic food in stores, as the future belongs to them only.
