Hemp Oil Dog





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Hemp Oil Dog

hempoilWhy Hemp Oil for our dog?  Firstly, there is no other plant-based oilseed that is perfectly balanced in the Omega Fatty Acids. Hemp is filled with important and crucial nutrition including  polyunsaturated good fats [with naturally occurring ideal 1:3 ratio of Omega-3 and Omega-6 essential fatty  acids (EFAs)], protein, vitamins (including vitamin   B1, B3, B6, B12, C, D, E), antioxidants, magnesium,potassium, calcium, fiber, iron, enzymes, and more  -making it an excellent addition to your pet’s meal plan.

The benefits of hemp for your pet’s health include:

  • strengthens the immune system
  • supports a healthy weight
  • increases energy
  • improves condition of skin and fur
  • supports digestion

It is important to note that dogs predominantly  carnivorous and so are built to eat meat. That’s why hemp oil and other hemp grain powder products need to be added as a supplement to the diet, not as a replacement.

We treat our dogs health as serious as we treat our own health… please visit http://hempoildog.com/ more details on our Canadian grown hempseed cold pressed oil made for dogs big & small.
