Hemp seeds do not mill into flour, they become butter because of the high oil content. In order to get flour, you need to remove the oils. We mill the byproduct of pressing hemp seed for oil, which we call hemp cake, into flour for just such a use. Our certified organic hemp flour is quite nice and is very fine. It is perfect for adding to baking and for bread. The most recognized health benefits of hemp flour are amino acids,...
Read MoreFACT: Hemp Seed Nutrition a complete mineral content indicates that hemp is especially high in the most needed minerals: Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium and Sulfur. It is also low in heavy metals like Strontium, Thorium, Arsenic, and Chromium. The vitamin results were disappointing until you see that hemp’s vitamins compares favorably with other grains. Vitamins are mostly provided by fresh vegetables. You would have...
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