Posts Tagged "HempAnimals"

Hemp Seeds For Animals Too?

Posted By on Oct 30, 2013

Just as hemp seed is great for human consumption, it is also great for your pets and livestock. Yes, all mammals for that matter including birds require the same Essential Fatty Acids as humans!that their animals are healthier, happier, heftier and less stressed. Because of the high oil content and the fatty acids, the animals actually utilize more of their feed, as it’s easier to digest. Aside from hemp seed being high in protein and...

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Hemp protein powder and hemp seed oil are not only super-foods for people, but can also do wonders for your pet (including dogs, birds and horses). Hemp is filled with important and crucial nutrition including  polyunsaturated good fats [with naturally occurring   ideal 1:3 ratio of Omega-3 and Omega-6 essential fatty  acids (EFAs)], protein, vitamins (including vitamin   B1, B3, B6, B12, C, D, E), antioxidants, magnesium,potassium,...

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