Posts Tagged "soy vs hemp"

The increased presence of trends, such as the humanization of pets, the human-animal bond, and pet owners’ dedication to their pets’ health, have all contributed to a new trend that is driving growth in the industry: the premium pet product shopper. Say hello to The Animal Wellness Market.  According to a survey, 70% of pet owners are willing to spend extra to ensure the wellness of their pet. And, 30% of pet owners agreed that they...

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FACT: The hemp seed protein is 65% globulin edestin. Globulin is the third most abundant protein in the human body. Globulins perform many enzymatic (causing reactions to take place) functions within the plasma itself. More importantly, they are responsible for both the natural and acquired immunity a person has against invading organisms. The body uses globulin proteins to make antibodies which attack infecting agents (antigens) that...

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We think so, as we struggle to feed our overpopulating society there very well may be a huge growth on plant-based proteins for many reasons. Global agriculture faces the prospect of a changing climate and the challenge of feeding the world’s population that is growing annually at about 1.3%. By 2063, the population is expected to double from about 6.5 billion today to 13 billion. Ensuring enough protein is available to feed our...

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GLA (gamma linolenic acid) is a plant-derived omega-6 most abundant in hemp seeds, although a member of the omega-6 family, it’s metabolized differently than other omega-6s. Our modern Western diet is rife with omega-6 fats and generally deficient in omega-3 fats, a fatal imbalance that sets in motion the inflammatory processes implicated in diseases of aging. GLA can counteract this acquired enzyme defect, supplying vital...

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This makes hemp the superior source for this protein in the plant kingdom. Edestin is a type of plant protein that is similar to protein found in the human body, and thus is perfectly suited to aid in meeting the body’s cellular needs such as DNA repair. Since much of hemp’s protein resembles that found in human blood, hemp protein is very easily digested and assimilated. In addition, another one-third of hemp’s protein is albumin,...

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Today, consumers associate protein powders and supplements as nutrient sources for healthier living. But about 40 years ago the only concentrated form of protein that was manufactured was egg protein. In the 1990’s whey protein became a big hit with body builders who wanted to build muscle mass and reduce recovery periods between training sessions.Advanced science and technology has introduced us to protein isolates. These have become...

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