Hemp Oil & Food – Animals





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Just as hemp seed is great for human consumption, it is also great for your pets and livestock. Yes, all mammals for that matter including birds require the same Essential Fatty Acids as humans!  Hemp feed in seed, fines, even oil added to their food offers animals are healthier, happier, heftier and less stress. Because of the high oil content and the fatty acids, the animals actually utilize more of their feed, as it’s easier to digest. Aside from hemp seed being high in protein and fatty acids it is also organically grown without the use of herbicides or pesticides. Therefore, hemp-fed animals are organic animals, free of those substances as well as antibiotics, steroids and hormones. This is a great reason to add hemp seed to your pet and livestock diets or to your birds feed.

In Canada, livestock feeds are regulated, as per the federal Feeds Act and Regulations, by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA). Please review government regulations in your area before adding hemp seed to your livestock feed.

Un-hulled hemp seed otherwise known as toasted hemp seed is also great for pets and livestock. The only difference is that the shell remains intact. The shell itself contains many of the same nutrients as the inner seed giving an even bigger nutrient kick. We humans eat un-hulled hemp seed.

The un-hulled or toasted hemp seed is also considerably cheaper because it requires one less step in processing.
 Dogs can be fed hemp! By adding a seed mixed in with its regular feed.

Smaller animals such as birds, hamsters, gerbils, and guinea pigs can be fed free choice or mixed in with other feed as well. Some farmers suggest that sometimes the animal needs time to adjust to the hemp feed so we suggest starting off with smaller amounts and increasing gradually as the animal becomes accustomed to it. In some cases loose stool may occur for the first few days but will shortly cease thereafter.

The daily recommended  A general rule of thumb is to feed your animals by weight or as needed. Some will suggest the same amount as humans, approximately 2 tablespoons (21 g / .75oz) per every 100 lbs for larger animals. Others and will suggest roughly ¼ to ½ a teaspoon per every 10 lbs for smaller animals.

Cats however should not be fed high omega-6 oils such as corn, soy, canola, hemp seed, or flaxseed. Since their history is purely carnivorous they lack the enzyme necessary for metabolizing plant-based omega-6 and may develop a toxicity from it.

