FACT: The hemp seed protein is 65% globulin edestin. Globulin is the third most abundant protein in the human body. Globulins perform many enzymatic (causing reactions to take place) functions within the plasma itself. More importantly, they are responsible for both the natural and acquired immunity a person has against invading organisms. The body uses globulin proteins to make antibodies which attack infecting agents (antigens) that...
Read MoreWe think so, as we struggle to feed our overpopulating society there very well may be a huge growth on plant-based proteins for many reasons. Global agriculture faces the prospect of a changing climate and the challenge of feeding the world’s population that is growing annually at about 1.3%. By 2063, the population is expected to double from about 6.5 billion today to 13 billion. Ensuring enough protein is available to feed our...
Read More New Information On Its Bioactive Compounds Certainly Excites R&D. If you’re looking for growth in the nutrition market, look no further than omega fatty acids. Plant Based Oil: Hemp With Its Increasing Interest, Why? Hempseed oil has a very interesting polyunsaturated fatty acid composition, Fernández-Arche told Reuters Health in an e-mail, because it has an optimal omega-6 to omega-3 ratio of about 3 to 1. Her main area of...
Read MoreToday, consumers associate protein powders and supplements as nutrient sources for healthier living. But about 40 years ago the only concentrated form of protein that was manufactured was egg protein. In the 1990’s whey protein became a big hit with body builders who wanted to build muscle mass and reduce recovery periods between training sessions.Advanced science and technology has introduced us to protein isolates. These have become...
Read MoreHemp seeds do not mill into flour, they become butter because of the high oil content. In order to get flour, you need to remove the oils. We mill the byproduct of pressing hemp seed for oil, which we call hemp cake, into flour for just such a use. Our certified organic hemp flour is quite nice and is very fine. It is perfect for adding to baking and for bread. The most recognized health benefits of hemp flour are amino acids,...
Read MoreHemp’s ratio of Omega 6 to Omega 3 fatty acids is about 4:1 which mirrors the primitive diet man evolved on for 2.5 million years. This ratio of fatty acids has been shown to prevent and even reverse Alzheimers disease in animal models and humans (Yehuda et al, Int J Neurosci, vol 3, 141-9, 1996). The fatty acid gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) is especially beneficial for the elderly who become essential fatty acid deficient as they age....
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